Post by Corina2605 on Dec 29, 2007 23:10:09 GMT
There is a report and interview with Mariano in GRIP Argentine tennis Magazine (thanks for the info to kai-soad from MTF). There some very nice pictures of M off-court (kai-soad posted them on MTF www.menstennisforums.com/showthread.php?t=46432&page=12. He/she promised to type the text which would be great and much appreciated Here is the link to GRIP Magazine and some pics. A short video clip can be found, too . www.rgrip.com.ar/. I do not manage to post the pics here, maybe someone can help? The following quote goes to M's pictures, which sounds promising MARIANO ZABALETA (SOBRE SU CONTINUIDAD): MI IDEA ES SEGUIR JUGANDO DOS O TRES AÑOS MAS, PERO NUNCA SE SABE. QUIZAS SEAN DOS MESES… |
Post by Corina2605 on Jan 1, 2008 19:16:55 GMT
Kai_soad from MTF was very kind to type the whole interview. Thank you. It is very nice and interesting. I don't have time to do a translation right now, but maybe later. Here it is, enjoy Periodista: Lucas Arguelles Fotografo: Sergio Llamera MARIANO ZABALETA INTIMIDADES DE UN TIPO NORMALA pesar de los altibajos en su carrera -muchos de ellos obligados- es uno de los jugadores mas carismaticos y queirdos del tenis argentino. En una entrevista especial e inedita, le presentamos a Mariano Zabaleta como nunca antes se lo vio. No bien uno entra al departamendo de Mariano Zabaleta, puese pensar , con tranquilidad, que ahi vive un artista o un roquero, un simplemente un chico normal. Cualquier cosa, menos un tenista. Solo despues de algunos pasos se llegara a ver algunas cuerdas y los primeros indicios de verdadea actividad de nuestro entrevistado. Un pas de guitarras -tres, para ser preciso-, cuadros de artistas como Manu Chao, U2 Y Bob Marley delatan el fanatismo de mariano por la musica. "Empece a tocar la guitarra hace un año, mas o menos, con Gaston (Gaudio) y un profesor", nos cueta, casi con verguenza. Primero, es el turno de la charla, despues de las fotos. Lo vamos a paseando por todo el departamento, y se lo ve tan relajadao y a gusto, que parece un tipo acostumbrado a los flashes y a la produccion si le gustan estas cosas, asegura "En realidad, no. Me llaman seguido de varias revistas para hacer notas, pero siempre les digo que no", lo que a pesar de ser una revista especializada, nos hace sentir como verdaderos privilegiados. No siempre uno tiene la posibilidad de acceder a la intimidad de una figura de nuestro tenis. Pero el temor logico se sobrepasar la confianza en un terrenodesconocido rapidamente se ve aplacado por una agradable sensacion de bienestar. Es que Mariano nos hace sentir como si esta fuese nuestra casa. "Agarren lo que quieran, usen lo que necesiten, todo bien. ¿Quieren algo para tomar? ¿Queres que hagamos unas fotos adentro de la pileta?". Con Sergio, el fotorgrafo, nos vemos gratamente sorprendidos por la buena prediposicion. Es Mariano, Zabala, el Negro, como prefieran, un tipo sencillo, humilde y con la mejor de las ondas. En resumen, un tipo normal. ¿Como fue este 2007 para vos?La verdad es que feu bastante positivo. Estoy contento por como termene el año. Si lo mido por el ranking, empece cerca del puesto Nº 400por todas las lesiones q tuve, me costo un poco arrancar y ya los cuatro meses estaba alrededor del puesto Nº 80 gracias a un par de buenos resultados. Segui bein hasta el US Open, donde me di cuenta de que estaba un poco cansado y decidi para un par de meses. Pero igual estoy contento: me agarraron muchas ganas de volver a entrenar y ante la posibilidad de entrar directamente al Abierto de Australia, mas aun. ¿Con que prespectivas y objetivos encaras el 2008?
Estoy con muchas ganas, entrenando fuerte. Ya a esta edad, para sali a jugar tengo que tener muchas ganas y las cosas claras, obejtivos a corto plazo. La didea es disfrutar: ir a los torneos que quiera y no jugar por jugar.
Hablabas de la edad. Estas cerca de cumplir 30 años -el 28 de febrero-. ¿Como vez esta ultima etapa de tu carrera?
Despues del US Open, no tenis mas ganas de jugar- Y me dije "Bueno, sera que no tengo que jugar mas", no sabia como iba a reaccionar- Pero ahora me agarraron unas ganas barbaras y estoy entrenando como si tuviera 18 años- Se que me quedan dos o tres años de carrera y la idea es disfrutar y pasarla bien. y si no tengo mas ganas, no seguir jugando. Porque ya tengo 13 años como profesional, viajando por obligacion y ya no quiero mas eso.
La consigna, entonces, es esa: disfrutar estos dos o tres años...
(Interrumpe.)No se, Ojala sean dos o tres años. Quizas sean dos meses. Estoy fisica y mentalmente para jugar ese tiempo, pero uno nunca sabe....
Durante toda tu carrera tuviste muchas lesiones que, icluso, cortaron grandes momentos que estabas pasando. ¿Cual de ellas fue la que mas te marco?.
La peor fue la que tuve en el pie. Fue hace un par de años, en los octavos de final de Monte Carlo. Estaba en el puesto Nº 25 del mundo y jugando un tenis increible. La verdad es que no me lo esperaba. Venia entrenando bien pero yo tengo un problema en el pie, que tengo mucho arco y nada... Se me rompio un musucol. Y creo que eso fue lo que me dejo afuera estos ultimo dos años junto con otras lesiones que le siguieron.
¿Afecta en lo psicologico tener tantas lesiones y tan seguido?.
Y, si... Te mata. Te corta todo un año. Te cambia los objetivos que tenias. A mi me cuesta mucho el tema de las lesiones y tener que ir al kinesiologo todos los dias, la recuperacion... todo eso se me hace muy denso. Pero bueno me toco convivir con eso en mi carrera, y estoy feliz de la carrera que tuve. Todos los jugadores se lesionan. Las veces que me toco a mi le puse huevo, me recupere y nada... Diso quiera quq no tenga que retirarme por una lesion, sino cuando yo elija retirarme.
Sin Importar tu ranking, simepre fuiste uno de los tipos mas queridos por el publico argnetino y por los jugadores tambien. ¿Por que crees que se da eso?
Yo creo que la gente, por mas que solo te vea jugar, sabe si sos buena persona o no. Yo me considero un buen tipo, siempre lo fui, bastante derecho y creo que la gente se da cuenta de eso a traves de los años. Y con los jugadores es lo mismo. La verdad es que soy asi: soy unpibe que no me hago muchos problemas ni me peleo con nadie. Para mi la vida es muy simple, es blanco o negro y aunque tengo mi grupo de amigos, trato de llevarme bien con todos.
¿Que es lo que mas disfrutas del tenis del deporte?
Hoy, me cuesta encontrar algo que disfrutar de manera increible. La sensacion de ganar y competi, de romperte el lomo entrenando, ir a un torneo y poder ganarlo, para mi, esa es una sencacion unica. Para todos, creo. Eso es lo que hoy mas disfruto del tenis. Poruqe despues esta todo el tema de los viajes.
¿Puede que sea eso lo que menos disfrutas?
Si es lo que mas me cansa. La gente escucha que uno dice que esta agotado de viajar y piensa "Uh, este bol... encima que viaja se queja" No es asi. Es como todo, como caulquier laburo: despues de muchso años llega un punto en que te satura. Y no es que viajamos por vacaiones. Lo hacemos todas las semanas, durante años. Me pone fastidioso estar en un aeropuerto. Creo que si me fuese a Brasil, de vacaciones, lo haria feliz. Eso es lo unico que me cansa. Jugar aca en el pais seria genial (sonrie)
Desde chicho se pusieron sobre vos muchas espectativas. Recientemente, hicimos una nota con franco squillari, que saldra en el proximo numero de GRIP, en la cual le comentaba que el era el precursor de toda esta camada actual, lo mismo que vos, y que todas las miradas en ese momento se centraban sobre ustedes. ¿Puede ser que eso te haya prejudicado en cierto punto?
No, no creo q eso me alla prejudicado. Hay veces que se tiene siertas espectavidas sobre un jugador que luego no se cumplen... Pero yo estoy orgulloso y feliz de mi carrera. Eso es lo que siento ahora, no me puedo acordar de lo que sentia a los 20 años... Lo que siempre digo es que hubiese estado bueno salir hoy, con 18 años, como lo hicieron Monaco o Del Potro, con seis o siete jugadores que ya fueron top-ten y ganaron torneos importantes. De cierta manera, ellos ya conocen los pasos. Yo me acuerdo de que fui el primero de mi camada en jugar la gira indoor. Habia varios que me decian: "¿Para que vas a jugar eso?" Y lo hice, obedeciendo a mi entrenador y no me fue mal. Hoy en dia es imposible estar arriba sin jugar en canchas rapidas, e incluso, los argentinos juegan mas ahi que sobre polvo de ladrillo. Aveces pienso que, con Franco, tuvimos que experimentar muchas cosas. Y eso, en ciertas ocasiones, hizo que el calendario elegido no sea el correcto o que comentamos algun que otro error. Pero no me arrepiento de nada y estoy muy tranquilo.
¿Que opinas del tenis argentino actual?
Creo que el tenis argentino hace 5 años esta viviendo un momento espectacular. Hoy en dia, escucho gente que dice que es un desastre y te da lastima escuchar esas cosas. O no entienden por que no hay un Nº 1 argentino. No es tan facil. Este deporte e smuy duro, fisica y mentalmente, y muy profesional. Creo que el que encabeza todo esto es Nalbandian. Por los torneos que tiene, los jugadores a los que les gana y como les gana... Y despues estamos un poco atras de David, tenisticamente hablando. Pero somo siete, ocho jugadores que podemos ganar en cualquier torneo en el año y a cualquier jugador.
Profundiza un poco sobre como es David
David es un genio. Yo lo dije siempre. A mi me aburre mucho ver tenis por television, pero cuando Federer o David -o cuando lo hacia Agassi- miro todo el partido. Porque todo aquel que entienda tenis un poco mas de lo normal se da cuenta de que son capaces de hacer cosas que son fisicamente imposibles. Es por eso que lo disfruto mucho, y uno de los pocos jugadores por los que me pongo contento cuando gana. Lo conozco desde que eramos chicos, y tanto el como Coria ya jugaban un huevo. Coria era un poco mas estructurado y el derrochaba talento sin moverse. Es increible.
Y aque comentas, ¿Cual es tu vision sobre el caso Coria?
Y, no se... La gente tiene que entender -aunque en realidad me da lo mismo si lo hace o no- que este es un deprote muy duro mentalmente. Se requiere un sacrificio muy grande para estar entre los mejores. Yo creo que lo de el fue un tema de saturacion mental. Es mi humilde opinion. Se canso de competir de la presion y la cabeza le pidio un parate indeterminado hasta arrancar de vuelta. O por ahi ya no vuelve. Ya gano muchos partidos, torneos, plata, lo disfruto y listo. Yo hablo con el, lo veo entrenar y se que quiere volver. Y me parece perfecto. Pero lo importante es que no la pase mal en una cancha.
¿Que sentias cuando jugabas por la davis?
Antes de eta entrevista casualmente hablaba con Mariano Hood, mi entrenador, de eso. Me decia que yo habia tenido mala suerte en la Copa Davis. Y es verdad. Me hubiera gustado tener la posiblidad de jugar un par de partidos faciles como la tuvo Gaston, por ejemplo, para agarrar confianza. Si hubiera ganado auqel partido contra Massu, que lo tenia ganado (N. del R: debio suspender por incidentes), quizas hubiese sido distinto. Despues me toco contra Lapenti, Moya, todos muy complicados. L averdad es que me dejo un sabor amargo. Pero tambienme aucerdo de cuando le gane a Youzhy en Buenos Aires y la sensacion de haber integrado un equipo no me la olvido mas.
Vamos a un gran momento en tu carrera: la final de Hamburgo 1999 contra el Chino Rios. ¿Que recordas de ese partido?
Ese fue un buen momento. Yo siempre digo que no soy un jugador regular, sino que tengo momentod en el año animicos y tenisticos. Por eso, mi carrera fue siempre de pegar picos en torneos asi. En ese momento venia jugando bien sobre polvo de ladrillo, era un torneo grande y estaba motivado. Yo soy un jugador que se mueve mucho a la base de motivaciones: si no estoy motivado no le puedo ganar a nadie. Y ese torneo fue muy bueno. Estuve match point en la final de un certamen importante, contra el Chino Rios -al que despues derrite varias veces- cerca de ganar... No me olvido mas. Pero el tenis es asi, se gana y se pierde. Estoy muy feliz de haber llegado a la final de un Masters.
¿Se puede decir que una de tus jugadas mas lindas de tu carrera fue con Federer? (N.del.R: en Roma 2003, el suizo le jugo un globo y mariano respondio con un passing shot paralelo de espaldas)
SIII! (Exclama) Fue la mejor de mi carrera y la eligieron la mejor de la historia en un canal de television compitiendo con jugadas de Vilas, de Mc Enroe y otros. Fue increible, es la verdad (Sonrie). Son cosas que uno tira en el entrenamiento y algunas veces van adentro y muchas otras, a al tribuna. Que me haya salido ese dia contra Federer, en cancha central y por como venia el punto, fue increible. Me lo voy a acordar siempre.
¿Que opinas de federer como jugador?
Y... El es un tocado. Tecnicamente es perfecto, mentalmente es perfecto, ni se despeina jugando. Hay pocos en la historia del deporte que salen asi. Creo que hasta es mucho mejor que Sampras, por eso, supera todos los records. Y estoy feliz de haber compartido años de circuito con el. Yo creo que es un privilegio para toda esta camada de jugadores. Contra el tuve buenos partidos, incluso, le gane cuando era mas chico. Siempre me motivaba jugar contra Federer.
¿Como fueron tus comienzos en taldil?
Fue algo espectacular. Tuve la suerte de tener a Guillermo Perez Roldan. que era profesional en esa epoca. Ellos me vieron, me entrenaron y asi logre meterme bastante rapidamente y de forma organizada. Yo la pase muy bien aquellos años. Jugaba con amigos.
¿Como se llevan los tandilences en el circuito? En el buen sentido de la frase, ¿son un grupo dentro de otro grupo?
No, no, para nada. Mi mejor amigo en el tenis es Gaston y siempre estoy con el, lo mismo que con Chela. Pero cuando nos juntamos afuera, la pasamos muy bien. Piquito es como un hermano para mi, desde muy chico. Siempre lo ayude y lo llevaba de un lado a otro conmigo. Y a Juan Martin no lo conozco tanto, porque es mas chico. Y muchas veces estamos juntos otras no, y esta nos juntamos como seis de tandil en, no se... Alemania, por ejemplo, y siempre hay alguno que nos putea porque nos la pasamos hablando de gente Tandil de la que no tiene ni idea, ¿entendes? Eso me divierte mucho. (Sonrie)
¿Con que extrajeros tenes buena onda, que la gente por ahi no sabe?
Bueno, con Tin Henman tenia muy buena onda. Un fenomeno como persona. Un tipo muy divertido, a pesar de lo amargo que parecia en la cancha.
¿Me dijieron que imitaba tu saque, puede ser.?
Si, todo el tiempo me imitaba (risas). Y una vez me enoje con el. En un partido durisimo que estabamos jugando empezo a imitarme como jadeaba. M re calente, lo llame a la red lo putee. Despues, en el vestuario, me pidio perdon y todo bien. Lo que pasa es que es dificl para nosotros juntarnos como un aleman. Es mas normal juntarnos con los españoles o los brasileros. Lo mismo que para ellos hacerlos con los suizos o los austriacos. No es de mala onda, es asi...
¿Extrañas Tenis Pro?
No, la verdad que no. Pero es bueno aclararlo. Durante dos años hicimos el programa y nos divertimos muchos, pero los ultimos 6 meses ya se parecia mas a un trabajo que a una diversion. Y nos empezo a costar cada vez mas filmar, mandar las cosas. Gracias al exito que tuvo, se hizo cada vez mas profesional. Y no quisimos empezar un terce añoasi, poruqe no iba. Se dio la casualidad de que los dos cambiamos de entrenador, nos fue bien y mucha gente, periodistas incluidos, dijieron cualquier cosa de por que habiamos dejado de hacerlo, no se... Pero la verdad es que no nos sacaba nada de tiempo. Fue increible como la gente, en toda Amerida, se engancho con el progrma Frasheee mucho con eso.
Bueno, te iba a preguntar si habia una chance de que volviera, pero...
(Interrumpe) El otro dia hablabamos con Juan Ignacio y dijismo: "Bueno, un año antes de retirarnos tenemos que volver a hacerlo." Asi que, por ahi en 2009 hacemos un año de cierre. Sobre todo por la gente que lo siguio y que aun hoy te pregutna que paso con el programa.
La ultima. Hace unos meses hicimos una nota con Juan Monaco, y le pedimos que hiciera un TOP-FIVE de los jugadores de Play Station. Primero, te puso en la lista y despues te dejo afuera. ¿Que tenes para decirle?
(Risas) Lo que pasa es que yo no juego mas. Antes era un enfermo. Nos llevabamos todo y jugabamos con Gaston, con Horna, por plata... Pico ni existia todavia. ¿Queres que te arme mi ranking?. Primero, Moya. Pero Moya se compra revistas del Winning Elven, lee como hacer jugadas, practica, todo, es obvio que es el Nº1, poruqe esta loco. Segundo, Ferrer; Tercero, Nalbandian; Cuarto, Pico; y quinto, lo pongo a Nadal. Hace 3 años que ya no toco nada, ya se nos paso...
Post by Corina2605 on Jan 2, 2008 18:02:02 GMT
I really think this interview needs a translation, but as I am quite busy and working, I can only do one part a day. I will try to translate the intro later this evening. Corina - sorry for invading your message Thank you for all your excellent translating... you are doing a great job....
Post by Corina2605 on Jan 2, 2008 23:20:03 GMT
By Lucas Arguelles (journalist) and Sergio Llamera (photographer)
Mariano Zabaleta - Intimacies of a normal guy
In spite of the ups and downs of his career - many of them obliged - he is one of the most charismatic and loved players of Argentine tennis. In a special and unpublished interview, we present you Mariano Zabaleta like you have never seen him before.
If you enter Mariano Zabaleta's flat you easily could think that an artist, or a rockstar, or just a simple guy is living in here. Anybody, just not a tennis player. Only after having done some steps you can see some strings as the first indications for the real reason for our interview. Some guitars - three to be accurate - pictures of artists, like Manu Chao, U2 or Bob Marley betray Mariano's fanaticism for music. " I started to play the guitar about a year ago, with Gaston (Gaudio) and a teacher" he tells us, almost a bit ashamed. First we do the interview and then we take photos. We walk through the whole flat and we see him so relaxed and in a good mood. He seems to be a guy who is used to flashes, a person who likes these things. However he assures "Actually I do not like it. Various Magazines call me to do reports/articles but I always say no." In spite of being a specialized Magazine, we feel very privileged. You do not always have access to the intimities of a figur of our tennis. However our first fear disappears quickly and we feel a pleasant sensation of well-being. Mariano makes us feel like this was our house. "Take what you want, use what you need, everything is ok. Do you wish something to drink? Do you like to take pics inside the pool/bath?" Sergio, the photographer, and I are pleasantly suprised by the predisposition. It is Mariano, Zabala, El Negro, as we prefer, a simple, humble guy and the most nicest/friendliest. Summarized, a normal guy.
Post by Jelena on Jan 3, 2008 0:32:54 GMT
How was 2007 for you?In fact it was quite positive. I'm satisfied how I ended the year. If I measure it by the Ranking, I started it about the #400, because of all the injuries I had, it was quite hard for me to start it, but already about four months later I was around Rank #80 thanks to several good results. It went on well until the US Open, when I paid the piper, called the tunes and was a bit tired. I decided to quit for two months. But though I am happy. I am delighted to practice again and with the possibility to play once more the Australian Open. With which perspectives and goals do you enter 2008?I go for it and practice hard. To go out in my age and play out there you need to feel like it and the things sorted out, the goals must be short-termed. The idea is to be happy: to play the tournaments I want to play and not to play because of playing. I'm sure this translation is not as well as Corina's are, but I think it gives the sense of the interview though. (At least of the first two questions. )
Post by Greg on Jan 3, 2008 3:48:29 GMT
He says "play once more the Australian Open." is this really the last go-around???
Post by Jelena on Jan 3, 2008 10:15:34 GMT
no, it isn't. He only means that he entered once more directly, which he didn't achieve in the last two years. He says later on clearly that he wants to play two or three more years, but doesn't know what happens (considering injuries etc.). PS. My Spanish is good enough to give a general summary, but the sentence-by-sentence translations of Co are far better for sure.
Post by Corina2605 on Jan 3, 2008 21:41:36 GMT
PS. My Spanish is good enough to give a general summary, but the sentence-by-sentence translations of Co are far better for sure. Danke Jelena für die Blumen, aber ich bin damit nicht ganz einverstanden Thanks Jelena for helping out translating. My translations aren't 100% correct either, but hopefully 90 % I really should study Spanish properly, lazy me!
Post by Jelena on Jan 3, 2008 22:31:30 GMT
I didn't say they are 100% correct, only that they are better than mine.
Post by Corina2605 on Jan 3, 2008 22:35:45 GMT
You spoke about age. You will soon turn 30 years old - on 28 February. How do you see the last part of your career?After the US Open I wasn't motivated anymore to play and I told myself "you don't have to play anymore". I did not know how I was going to react to this. However now I am very motivated and I am practicing like I was 18 years old. I know that I have 2 or 3 years left to play tennis and the idea is to enjoy it and to do well. And if I do not have any desires to play anymore, I won't keep playing. Because I have been a professional for 13 years, I have been tavelling because I had to and I do not want this anymore. The idea then is this: to enjoy these two or three years...I don't know. I hope it will be two or three years. Maybe it will be only two months. I am physically and mentally ready to play two or three more years, but you never know..... During your whole career you had lots of injuries which cut great moments you were having. Which injury was the one that affected you the most?The worst injury I suffered was my foot injury. It happened a couple of years ago in the last 16 of Monte Carlo. I was ranked 25 at this moment and I was playing incredible tennis. The truth is that I did not expect it to happen. I have been practicing well but I had a problem with the foot, I had lots of arch (?) and nothing.. I did break a muscle. I think this was the reason why I couldn't play the way I wanted those last two years, along with other injuries which followed it. Does having so many and sequently injuries have an affect to the psychologic state of a player?Yes, of course, it kills you. It demolishes a whole year. It changes the goals you set yourself. The injuries and having to go to the kinesiolog every day, the recovering, all this did cost me a lot and made me dense. But well, I had to live with this in my career and I am happy of the career I have had. All players suffer injuries. When it happened to me, I fought, I recovered. I do not want to retire due to an injury. I want it to be my choice to retire. Without relation to your ranking, you have always been one of the most loved/popular guys by the Argentine public, but also by the other players. What do you think is the reason for this? I believe that people see if a player is a good or bad person. I consider myself as a good guy, I have always been. I am a quite direct person and I think people have noticed this during the years. And with the others players it is the same thing. The truth is that I am like this: I am a guy who doesn't create any problems, neihter do I fight with anybody. For me life is very simple, it is white or black and although I do have my group of friends, I try to get along with everybody. TO BE CONTINUED
New Member
Posts: 26
Post by reiko on Jan 4, 2008 15:05:28 GMT
I saw it yesterday too and here you are : If there are more pics to be captured, let me know. Happy New Tennis Year to Everyone!
Post by Corina2605 on Jan 6, 2008 19:22:25 GMT
Thanks Reiko for the pics
Post by Corina2605 on Jan 6, 2008 20:33:30 GMT
What do you enjoy most about the sport tennis?
Today it costs me to find something that I enjoy incredibly. The sensation of winning and competing, to break your back practicing, to go to a tournament and to be able to win it, this is to me an unique sensation. I think it is for everyone. This is what I enjoy most about tennis. Because after it there is the whole thing about the trips.
Is travelling the thing that you enjoy less?
Yes, it is what makes me the most tired. When people hear someone say to be exhausted of travelling, they think "this jerk... he is able to travel and he is complaining.". It is not like that. It is like with every normal job. After many years you reach a point when the job saturates you. And it is not like we travel for vacation. We travel all weeks, during many years. I am tired of being in an airport. If I was to go to Brasil for a vacation I would be happy. This is the only thing which makes me tired. To play here in the country (Arg) would be great (smile).
Since you are a little kid people put lots of expectations on you. Recently we did an interview with Franco Squillari (which will be published in the next issue of GRIP). He said that he, and you as well, were the precursors of the current group of players and that at this time everyone's attention was focused on you two. Could it be that this prejudiced you in a certain point?
No, I don't think it prejudiced me. Sometimes people expect great things of players and later those expections are not fullfilled. However I am proud and happy of my career. This is what I feel right now, I can't remember what I felt when I was 20 years old. The thing that I keep saying is that it would have been great to start a career now, at the age 18, like Monaco or Del Potro did, with 6 or 7 players who have already been top ten and who have won important tournaments. Somehow they already know how to proceed. I remember that I was the first player of the group of player of my age, who played the indoors tour. People asked me why I was playing indoors. I did it, obeying my coach and I didn't do too badly. Today it is impossible to be at the top and not play on hard court, and even the Argentines play more on fast courts than on clay. Sometimes I think that we had to experiment lot of things with Franco and that in certain occasions the calendar was not the right one and that we made some mistakes. But I have no regrets and I am ok with it.
What do you think of the current Argentine tennis?
I do think that for 5 years Argentine tennis has been living an incredible moment. Right now I hear people saying that it is a disaster and I do not like to hear this. They do not understand why there is not an Argentine No.1. It is not that easy. This sport is very hard, physically and mentally, and very professional. I believe that the one who is the best in all these aspects is Nalbandian. Because of the tournaments he has won, and because of the players he beat and how he beats them. And then there is us, a little bit behind David, tennis-wise spoken. We are seven, eight players who can win every tournament of the year and beat every player.
Post by Corina2605 on Jan 8, 2008 21:23:42 GMT
Tell us a bit more about how David is
David is a genius. I have always said it. I find watching tennis on tv very boring, but when Federer or David play - or when Agassi played- I watch the whole match. Because everyone who understands a bit more about tennis than normal people do notice that these guys are able to do things that are physically impossible. This is the reason I enjoy it a lot, he is one of the few guys for who I am happy when he wins. I know him since we are kids, and he, as well as Coria, played already incredible. Coria was a bit more structured and the wasted talent without being moved. It is incredible.
What is your vision about the case Coria?
I do not know... People have to understand - even if I do not care if they do or not - that this is a very hard sport mentally. To belong to the best requires a very big sacrifice. What happened to him, is in my opinion, a mentally saturation. This is my humble opinion. He got tired from competing and from the pressure and the head asked to stop for an undefinite time until starting a comeback. He has already won lots of matches, tournaments, money, he enjoys it. I talked to him, I saw him practicing and I know that he wants to come back. And it seems perfect to me. However the important thing is that the head is alright when you are on the court.
What do you feel when you played Davis Cup?
Before this interview I talked to Mariano Hood, my coach, about this coincidentally. He told me that I had bad luck in Davis Cup. And this is true. I would have loved to have had the possiblity to play some easy matches, like Gaston Gaudio had, to get confidence in Davis Cup. If I had won the match against Massu, who I was about to beat (the match had to be suspended due to incidents), then maybe things could have gone a different way. After this match I had to play Lapentti, Moya, all very complicated players. The truth is that this leaves a bitter taste. However I also remember when I beat Youzhny in Buenos Aires and I will never forget the feeling to be part of a team.
Let's talk about a great moment in your career: the Hamurg final 1999 against el Chino Rios. What do you remember of this match?
This was a good moment. I always say that I am not a constant player, however I have great moments in a year. That's why in my career I always tried to hit the peaks in tournaments like this. In this moment I have been playing very well on clay, it was a great tournament and I was very motivated. I am a player to who motivation is very important: if I am not motivated I can lose to everyone. And this tournament was very good. I had matchpoint in a final of an important tournament, against Chino Rios - against who I won various times after this match- I was close to win. I will never forget it. I am very happy I reached a Master Series tournament final.
Post by Jelena on Jan 11, 2008 15:00:57 GMT
Thanks Corina for translating the whole stuff
Post by Corina2605 on Jan 11, 2008 23:36:31 GMT
You are welcome My goal is to finish the translation before the Open starts. Can we say that one of your most beautiful shots of your career was against Federer (Rome 2003: The Swiss hit a lob and Mariano replied by a passing shot with the back to the net)YEES!! (he exclaims)! It was the best shot of my career and on a tv channel my shot was voted as the best shot of history, compared to shots of Vilas, McEnroe and others. It was incredible! (smiles). It is one of those shots you do in practice, sometimes the shot succeeds, but most of the time the ball flies into the crowd. That this happened this day against Federer, on center court and how the point went, was incredible. I will always remember it. What do you think about Federer as player?He is a "tocado" (no idea what this means, sorry). He has a perfect technic and is perfect mentally. He is never ruffled while playing. They are very few who are like him in history of sport. I believe that he is much better than Sampras, that's why he breaks all records. I am happy I was able to share years on the circuit with him. I think it is a privilege for the whole group of players who are playing now on tour. Against him I had good matches, I won against him when he was younger. To play Federer always motivates me. How did you start to play in Tandil?It was something spectacular. I was lucky to have Guillermo Perez Roldan who was a professional at this time. They saw me, they coached me and this way I managed to start quickly and in an organized way. These years went very well. I played with friends. How do the Tandilenses get along on the circuit. In the good sense of the phrase, are they a group among another group?No, not at all. My best friend in tennis is Gaston and I am always with him, same with Chela. However when we are together we get along very well. Piquito is like a brother to me, since he is very young. I always help him or put him from one side to the other with me. As for Juan Martin, I don't know him that well, because he is younger. Sometimes we get together, six guys from Tandil in... i don't know.. in Germany, for example, and there is always someone who is annoyed because we keep talking about people from Tandil and the other guys have no idea about who we talk. This is really enjoyable (smiles). TO BE CONTINUED
Post by Corina2605 on Jan 12, 2008 23:48:21 GMT
With which foreign players do you have a good relationship which people do not know?
Well, with Tim Henman I have a very good relationship. He is a phenomena as person. He is a very funny guy, in spite of seeming to be bitter on court.
They told me that he imitated your serve, could this be?
Yes, he imitated me all the time (laughters). And once I got mad. We were playing a hard match against each other and he started to imitate how I breathed. I got really mad, I called him to the net. Afterwards in the locker room he apologized and everything is ok. What happens is that it is difficult to us to get together with for example a German. It is more normal to join Spanish guys or Brazilians. It is the same for them to join Swiss or Austrians. It's not because we do not get along, it's just like that.
Do you miss Tenispro?
No, the truth is I do not miss it. But it's good to clarifiy it. During two years we did the programme and we did enjoy it a lot, but during the last 6 months it felt more like a job than enjoyment. And it started to take us more and more energy to film and to send in the stuff. Thanks to the success it had, it was each time more professional. And we did not want to start a third year like this because it didn't work. The coincidence was given that the two of us changed coaches at that time. A lot of people, journalists included, name lots of reasons why we did quit doing the programme, I don't know... But the truth is that it didn't take away time. It was incredible how people, in all America, were addicted to the programme.
Well I was about to ask you if there was a chance that tenispro will return, but...
(interrups) The other day I talked to Juan Ignacio and we said "One year before we retire, we do have to do the programme again". That's why in 2009 we may do a year of closing. Especially for the people who watched the programme and who even today ask us what happened to it.
The last question. Some months ago we did a report/interview with Juan Monaco and asked him to do a top 5 list of the playstation players. First he put you on the list, but afterwards he removed you. What do you say to him
(Laugthers). Actually I do not play anymore. Before it was a sickness. We got up together with Gaston, Horna, we played for money. Pico hasn't existed yet at that time. Do you want me to give you a ranking? First position: Moya, because he buys Magazines of Winning Elven, reads how to play, he practices, everything, it is obvious he is No. 1 because he is crazy. Second position: Ferrer. Third position: Nalbandian. Fourth position: Pico. And on fifth position I put Nadal. As for me I haven't played anymore for three years.
Post by lousielp on Jan 13, 2008 0:05:31 GMT
THANK YOU Corina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know you have put lots of hours into translating this article - and I really appreciate it - you don't want to know the rubbish I came back with when I tried....
I told you before you seriously would make a fortune in the UK as a Translator.
Excellent job... - and you made your deadline too!!!
New Member
Posts: 26
Post by reiko on Jan 13, 2008 1:10:19 GMT
Yes, Corina, thanks as usual.. Nice to see Mariano mentioning his friend's name. In case you would like to know what Pico said about the Playstation, here you are: Armame el top 5 de jugadores de Play Station entre los tenistas. (Piensa dos segundos, se sonrie y despues habla.) Y... Yo me considero muy grosso... Yo me considero el No.1 (risas de nuevo). El dos se lo vamos a dar a Moya. El tres es Ferrer; cuatro Nadal, que levanto bastante... Cinco (piensa de nuevo), Zabaleta. No, se lo estoy regalando a Zabala. !Ah, no! David (Nalbandian) es muy bueno. David es cinco antes que zabaleta, seguro.
Post by Mercedes99 on Jan 14, 2008 19:25:25 GMT
Hi all, first of all, sorry for being absent for a long time.... Good to know that the gang is still there for Mariano and tennis!! second, Corinne, I am really impressed for the excellent job you have done!!!! congratulations! you even dominate local expressions!!! third, I will release some job from Corine, this is the translation for Reiko's post: Build the Play Station top5 of tennis players (He thinks a couple of seconds, smile and then talks): So... I consider myself very good... I consider myself number 1. I will give number 2 to Moya. Number 3 is Ferrer. 4 is Nadal that improved a lot. Five (he thinks again), Zabaleta. No! I am giving it away to Zabala. Ah, no! David (Nalbandian) is very good. David is 5 before Zabaleta, for sure. fourth, good luck M for tonight!!! I will not be able to follow it unfortunately... fifth, is there any plan for tennis tournaments this year? RG? Montecarlo? Have a nice evening! or day! Mercedes
Post by Corina2605 on Jan 14, 2008 21:34:45 GMT
Thanks everyone for your nice words I like doing translations of nice articles/interviews, it's fun and it goes better with each interview translated Mercedes, nice to see you I hope we will all be able to meet in Paris in May Louise - thanks for the loonnnng email. Hope to chat soon:)
Post by Louise Lewis-Price on Jan 15, 2008 1:18:38 GMT
Mercedes Welcome back!! - I missed you 2008 will be the year of many meetings - I hope! best wishes to everyone
Post by Mercedes99 on Jan 26, 2008 22:15:13 GMT
Hey, I missed you all as well... One question: are you going to RG on the 1st Weekend? May 24th and 25th? I have to confirm when one friend from Argentina is coming to visit me (she doesn't like tennis). If she is coming afterwards and you are going on that weekend, I may join you... Let's hope... On the other hand, I will also to Montecarlo... anyone joining?
Have a nice Sunday! Mercedes
Post by Corina2605 on Jan 26, 2008 22:46:48 GMT
Hola Mercedes
I hope to go to Paris on the first weekend and for the first round round (as usual). As for Monte Carlo I don't think I can make it, but I know that Birte and Maria have already booked hotel and flights to Nice.
Have a nice weekend everyone:)
Post by kaisoad on Apr 24, 2008 21:50:22 GMT
Post by hugo on Jun 27, 2008 4:52:38 GMT
Hey corina,
2 years ago I watched Mariano in houston and it was awesome. I was a chef at the hotel where most of the players were staying. I asked mariano if he would like a nice room at the hotel for free to help him. He stated that he had friends he was staying with. Was that you? I'm just curious. Thanks.
Post by Greg on Jun 27, 2008 13:55:40 GMT
Hi Hugo, no that wasn't Corina it was my friend (Tennis1411) I remember when he messaged you. Where you the chef at "Hotel Derek?"